Scientific Name: Gymnogeophagus rhabdotus
Etymology: "Gymno"is the Greek word for "naked", referring to the typical lack of scales on the heads of fishes of the Cichlidae family. Geophagus is derived from the Greek word "Gea" meaning "Earth", and the Greek word "Phagein" meaning "to eat".
Synonyms: Geophagus rhabdotus (Senior), Geophagus brachyurus (Junior)
Distribution: This species inhabits areas of southern Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay
Physical Description:
Size: 120 mm.
Water Parameters: Ph: 7-8
Hardness: Low-Moderate
Temperature: 70-74 Degrees. This species will require a wintering period.
Recommended Tank Size:
Breeding: This species, unlike many other species in the genus, spawns on a substrate and does not perform any form of mouthbrooding.
Original Description: